Social Events


ca. 14:30

Coffe & Cake

We invite you to join us for a welcome meeting at the Alte Mensa, our conference venue, on Sunday afternoon. This will be a great opportunity to welcome everyone to the Phycology Meeting 2025 and to beautiful Göttingen. Enjoy meeting old and new colleagues and phyko-friends over a cup of coffee and tea before we open the meeting with the first session.


ca. 15 ‐ 17:00


On Monday afternoon, we will explore the charming city of Göttingen. Different excursions will shed light on Göttingen’s rich scientific heritage, the history of the Georg-August University, and some well-known historical figures like the Brothers Grimm, Carl Friedrich Gauss, or Heinrich Heine. Of course, we will not end our tour without a stop at the Gänseliesel fountain, a symbol of the city's lively spirit and academic tradition.


ca. 19:00

Conference Dinner

Following the last session, we invite you to our conference dinner in the Emmy-Noether-hall in the Alte Mensa. Enjoy delicious food and wine while partaking in thought-provoking discussions, sharing insights from your latest research endeavors, and laying the foundation for future collaborations. We will nominate and celebrate the winners of poster-, student- and Pringsheim-award.